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  • Writer's pictureRachel Kidwell

NEW ARTICLE: YouTube's Decision To Crack Down On Conspiracy Videos Might Actually Be A Good Thing

Helloooo friends!

If you're an avid consumer of YouTube videos, or have favorite creators that you like to keep up with, you've likely heard about the website's "algorithm," and how much it's changed recently.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry! YouTube's algorithm is pretty simple to explain: it's a system used to figure out what type of content and videos should be recommended to users on the site--it takes into account aspects such as a video's likes, dislikes, average watch-time and also the type of content a user might be searching for or has watched previously to recommend new content.

And recently, YouTube made an official statement that they will be changing the algorithm yet again, to "prevent conspiracy theories and misinformation from going viral." Now, this initially shocked many users, but to media analysts and news outlets, this move has been coming for a long time due to the site's previous missteps with recommending extremist political content over factual news and information about real-life events or people that is blatantly false. (i.e., conspiracy theories)

So, will this algorithm change reap positive results, or is it just another controversy in the making? Read why I think it could be a good thing in my article, linked here.

What do YOU think about this change? Let me know with a comment below!

Now, if anyone needs me, I'll be binge-watching Shane Dawson's conspiracy videos for about 12 hours straight. See ya!

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