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  • Writer's pictureRachel Kidwell

NEW ARTICLE: Is Music Actually Getting Worse, Or Are We Just Getting Old?

Updated: Feb 5, 2019

Hello friends! For my latest article on the Odyssey Online, I wanted to explore the nostalgia we have for music of the "good old days," and answer the age-old question: is music actually getting worse? Or are we just getting old?

I'm only 21 years old, which is pretty young in the grand scheme of things. Maybe I shouldn't feel nostalgic for the "good old days," because I'm arguably still in them--but I do. I really, really do yearn for the past and the music I discovered within that time because, frankly, modern popular music is not my cup of tea whatsoever. And I swear I'm not trying to be one of those manic-pixie-dream-girls or a hipster that's just trying to be ~different~ from other girls...I do like a few mainstream artists and will admit to a good song, no matter what genre it comes from. In my eyes, good music is good music, whether it comes from the underground or #1 on the "Top 40."

That being said, however, I do dislike a lot of modern pop music and the trends that persist within it. But it's not just modern pop that disappoints me--I'm big into the pop punk, metal and rock, and even new releases from those genres are coming off entirely stale to me, even if they're from a band I used to love.

That sentiment exactly is what inspired me to research into modern music and the general trend of older generations' disapproval. What I found was actually pretty shocking...and you can read it online here.

Hope you enjoy, and let me know how you feel--do you like modern popular music, or hate it? Do you think it's mostly nostalgia that fuels hatred for modern music, or are there substantial facts behind such feelings?

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