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  • Writer's pictureRachel Kidwell

BANGS Blitz Day: "Companionship"

So, the BANGS Ambassador Spring 2019 term is officially over! (Actually, it has been for about 3-4 weeks now...please forgive me for being fashionably late) This term has been simply incredible - I've been able to network and get connected with so many new, talented people; be creative with new social media content; learn more about social media, marketing and online communications; and, perhaps most importantly, find new adventures!

Our last Blitz Day of the term was on March 12th, with the theme of "Companions." One of my favorite things about being a BANGS Ambassador is that the Blitz Days (in which everyone posts to Instagram and other social media platforms to promote the BANGS brand and mission) are hugely up to interpretation - meaning that you decide the message/presentation of each assigned theme! This gives every single ambassador the chance to really think about what that certain theme means to them and how they want to present both their creativity & the BANGS brand to the world via social media! It's so incredible to see how each and every ambassador interprets it differently.

Anyway, about our last theme "Companions"...the word "companion" means very much to me. To me, a "companion" is someone who sticks beside you throughout your life, no matter what tough times you go through. A companion is always there - whether in person or through a text/phone call - to listen and offer support when needed. They're always there for you; yet they never hesitate to give you "tough love" or call you out when you've screwed up. Companions aren't just casual friends or acquaintances...they're there for the long run.

I'm lucky enough to have a few companions in my life, including my parents, my siblings (shoutout to Elena and Aaron), my family's dogs Aspen and Stella, my sweet, incredible boyfriend David and finally, our new rescue pittie Clover.

My boyfriend and I adopted Clover near the end of September 2018 from the Fredericksburg Animal Shelter and she has absolutely changed our lives for the better. She fills every single day with so much unconditional love, laughs, happiness and (not to mention) cuddles and we both truly can't imagine our lives without her. David and I often joke around and call her "our baby" or "our child," but that joke is mostly rooted in reality. Taking care of Clover has taught us both so much about being responsible for another being other than us two, and dedicating our entire lives to making sure she is happy, healthy and comfortable. She is the first dog my boyfriend and I have adopted, so she is a very special little doggo.

So, it was only natural that I honor Clover for our last Blitz Day theme "Companions." She has come such a long way from that day David and I found her in the shelter...despite her rough past, she has transformed into such a confident, loving and goofy lady so far and I feel so honored and excited to be able to make the rest of her life full of happiness. Visit my Instagram account @rachelkidwell_ to read my post and caption about Clover and how she accompanies me throughout life.

Below is a gallery of Clover and I's Blitz Day shots, including all of the outtakes that didn't make the cut for Instagram, so enjoy! What does companionship mean to YOU? Leave a comment below and let me know who your companion is! (Also...if you want to know more about the BANGS Ambassador program or want a sweet deal on their products...hit me up!)

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